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Showcase 101: An Introduction

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    In this hands-on lab, you experience the step-by-step workflow between Revit® and Showcase software. Learn how to quickly and easily transform digital prototypes or architectural designs into compelling imagery, movies, and real-time presentations. This class is an introduction to Showcase. If you have never used this software before or have used it only a few times, this class is for you. We also discuss Importing models from other sources such as Inventor®, AutoCAD® and 3ds Max® Design software.

    Principaux enseignements

    • Use the basic tools in Showcase software
    • Describe the workflow between Showcase and Revit
    • Change Materials, create Alternatives, Shots and storyboard slides in Showcase
    • Publish images, videos and web presentations with Showcase and Autodesk® 360 cloud-based products and services