AU Class
AU Class
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Zero-Energy Homes with Revit and Insight 360: Make It, Market It, and Sell It!

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    There is a rapidly emerging market for net-zero and positive energy design and construction in the home building industry. Learn how to use Revit software and Insight 360 software along with external research sources to create trustworthy energy and solar simulations or net-zero design. Including real-world case studies and software demonstrations, this class will teach you how to utilize your simulation results in conjunction with cost-benefit analysis in determining the most economical path to zero energy, balancing energy-reduction measures with energy production. You will learn architectural methods of integrating photovoltaic (PV) panels into home design, as well as successful methods of marketing and financing net-zero and positive energy homes. You will see demonstrations and examples of Revit software techniques for design and visualization of integrated solar. This class will empower you with the knowledge and confidence to design, build, and sell net-zero and positive energy homes to an emerging market. This session features Revit, Collaboration for Revit, and Revit Architecture. AIA Approved

    Aprendizajes clave

    • Learn research-proven methods to integrate solar panels into residential design as architecturally expressive elements
    • Understand energy-analysis and solar-analysis capabilities in Revit and Insight 360
    • Learn how to use Revit and Insight 360 to simulate, quantify, and visualize zero-energy metrics
    • Learn how to market net-zero and positive energy homes to builders, realtors, architects, and prospective buyers