Miami Marine Stadium was the first U.S. stadium constructed specifically for power-boat racing, and its use isn't the only thing unique about this structure. Its design consists of a dramatic, cantilevered, folded plate roof supported by 8 sloped, tapered columns. The facility has been condemned since 1992, but it's finally set to undergo a major rehabilitation. This class will share techniques used by Langan and VIATechnik to laser scan and model the entire structure. Matt Sipple from Langan will discuss his approach to capturing existing conditions with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a terrestrial scanner, and Kyle Hudson from VIATechnik will share tips and workflows for modeling this complex geometry in Revit software. Reality capture and modeling strategies used on this project are applicable to all facilities with complex geometry or one-of-a-kind shapes and forms.
Key Learnings
- Learn techniques for laser scanning (terrestrial and UAV) geometrically complex structures
- Learn best practices for gathering data using drones, and lessons learned when tying drone data to terrestrial data
- Learn techniques for using Revit to model unique existing structures from laser-scanned point clouds
- Learn how to use Revit more efficiently when modeling from point clouds